Karen L Cox
You went into business because you wanted to do something you love, follow a great idea, change the world, or a combination of all three...not, to build processes.
But running a business takes a lot more than doing what you love. This is where I come in...
I help business owners, solopreneurs, and business start-ups organize business processes and procedures, tasks & activities so you grow your business and revenue, hire with confidence, and align your business with your personal lifestyle goals.
Grow your business without adding more hours and stress to your day.
With over 20 years of hands-on and managerial experience developing and implementing business processes within a highly regulated industry, I've identified key business practices and a simple, but highly effective, framework for identifying key activities and documenting processes for stability, growth, and long-term success...
...Key practices that work across industries and for business of all sizes.
My superpower is breaking down seemingly complex projects and processes into easy-to-manage, bite-sized pieces which are then tailored specifically to meet your needs.
Through my proprietary Process, Documentation and Action (P.D.A.) Framework™, we organize your business tasks and activities so you can:
* strategically and intentionally grow your business and revenue,
* confidently hire the right team members, and
* focus your attention on the activities you enjoy and that move your business forward.
Assess & Prioritize Processes of Focus
Clear, Effective, Impactful Documentation
Strategic Implementation
Or call or email me directly at: 312-521-0171